Via appointment
BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a modern model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI.
It uses a totally logical, practical and down-to-earth working method in which it’s not necessary for you to talk about anything you would rather not discuss – I only need to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead.
BWRT® is unlike any other therapy you might have heard of or read about, using the latest discoveries in neuroscience coupled with your own unique brain processes to help you get better. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. I started my training in 2019. I have mastered Level 1 and 2, and also completed Abolishing Anxiety and Neuroanalysis extra training. I have gained great success with anxiety, bingeing, co dependancy, addiction, low self esteem and phobias. Plus Menopausal symptoms.
Find out more at http://www.bwrt.org
As a regular receiver of acupuncture I have found the missing link in my toolbox.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, is a powerful practice rooted in ancient healing principles dating back over 5,000 years to Chinese Shaolin and Taoist monasteries. These early scientists and healers established energy maps of the human body that served as the foundation for Eastern healing arts such as acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu massage, and reflexology.
In addition to ancient wisdom, EFT has been shaped by the contributions of countless individuals who have deepened our understanding of human psychology. This therapy draws important influence, particularly for deep emotional and psychological issues, from the collective knowledge amassed over the ages.
The development of EFT owes much to the groundbreaking and relatively modern work of Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology, and Dr. Roger Callahan, the pioneer of TFT Thought Field Therapy. In the early 1990s, Gary Craig, a former student of Dr. Callahan, simplified the complex TFT algorithms, making the process universally applicable to all.
By gently tapping on the body’s well-established energy meridian points with our fingertips, EFT effectively clears mental, emotional, and physical issues of their associated emotional debris and blocks in the energy meridians. This simple yet profound technique allows for the successful resolution of emotional barriers, aiding in the restoration of balance and well-being.
I am trained to Level 2 status with brilliant Karl Lawson.
Life coaching is NOT someone telling you what to do.
I am still blown away how a seemingly simple question can open up doors of the subconscious, enabling YOU to find the answers you're searching for. If something is our own idea it holds more meaning when executed.
I am a certified Life Coach having completed 125 hours of training with Lydia Kimmerling in 2021. I am passionate about transforming limiting beliefs and I combine separate sessions of Life Coaching, BWRT® and in 6, 8 and 12 week partnerships.
You can also book a "Quickie" in with me where we will spend an hour laser coaching, these sessions invariably bring up things you didn't know you didn't know:
You get really clear about your issue and the deeper truth about it. You will recognise any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You are supported in considering other perspectives to help you “re-frame” the issue. This may be just enough, or you might decide to enter into a more in-depth partnership with me.
All of these modalities can be combined with helping you establish a yoga/fitness routine around specialised, personal gait analysis. (how you move)
12 Week Partnership
An Initial self enquiry questionnaire
11 x 1-1 sessions of BWRT®/Coaching/yoga (1 hr)
1 x 45 minute final reflection and achievement session
9 Week Partnership
An initial self reflection questionnaire
8 x 1-1 sessions of BWRT®/coaching/yoga (1hr)
1 x 45 minute final reflection and achievement session
6 Week Partnership
An initial self reflection questionnaire
5 x 1-1 sessions of BWRT®/coaching/yoga (1 hr)
1 x 45 minute final reflection and achievement session
Still not sure if BWRT® or life coaching is right for you?

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do"